follow your dreams

When I was around 12 years old, I had a crazy dream that I wanted to train at Shaolin. Following that dream, and the ideas that spun off of that, led to many amazing adventures. Training in several different martial arts with some amazing teachers, earning a Green Beret, travelling and training all over the world, studying and practicing everything from yoga to kettle bells, to Zen Buddhism, to Shamanism, with some amazing coaches, teachers and mentors. I’ve had the honour to teach and coach many amazing people from all walks of life. Ive met some truly beautiful and awesome friends, It has led me to conversations that let me meet the love of my life and have a little one with her…..

When I was in the last few weeks of my 32nd year, I trained at Shaolin.
And as phenomenal and life changing as that was- the journey of following that dream has given me even more and it has given birth to many other dreams along the way.
Every destination, is simply a doorway to the next journey.
Its never a case of arriving, its a case of beginning. Always just beginning.

Follow your dreams, with courage, dedication and passion. Stay open to where they may lead, there are many paths up the mountain.
Keep dreaming, keep walking. Going straight ahead.

Follow your dreams…

David Mohegan14199296_553214861533363_4898898808157390229_n

One thought on “follow your dreams

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences David. You share similar life experiences with my husband (minus the Green Beret).


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